Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Writer Wednesdays - J Naomi Y - Two Moons of Rehnor

Our special guest for the May 9, 2012 show was author J. Naomi Y who's book series Two Moons of Rehnor has garnered a huge following of dedicated fans.

J Naomi Y talks about the series which is a modern light sci-fi fantasy with paranormal, political and spiritual elements.

The author struggled with my request (Can you read of a sample) because,
"All 1500 plus pages are told by so many different voices, I can read you a voice of one, but the voice in the next section will be an entirely person/voice character speaking with an entirely different history."

The main characters stories are told mostly through one of the many other characters. Katie from Seattle tells the story in her own voice, but the main male character - the young man with the paranormal abilities - never has his story told from his perspective.

She did read us sections from a few of these voices, and it became clear immediately that J Naomi Y is a gifted writer.

She even had numerous fans who called in to tell her how much they loved her work, and one guy even said... well tune in and listen if you haven't heard it yet.

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Here's my attempt at trascribing a tiny piece of what she read on the air.
Moira: When I was a girl, I wanted to be a dancer. My parents indulged me because I was their youngest and most precious daughter. And so they arranged for a dance tutor to come to the great hall where we live and teach me to dance. I loved to dance. I was graceful as a swan, my father the Duke of Dekor said. I was lithe as a feather, my mother the Duchess said. I danced every moment that I could, gliding across the floor, leaping into the arms of my tutor, soaring into the heavens, until the day I broke my foot. After that my toe shoes were useless and my dancing ended. I was fifteen.

I transcribed that section of the broadcast just to give you a tiny idea of her voice. Let me tell you, the story gets better. The young becomes married to an older prince - who bypassed her older jealous sisters - her sisters are forced to move in with the younger sister as they prep for the wedding of become her 'ladies in waiting' but they also become lovers to her husband who's no longer interested in the young princess or their child....

When you listen in to the broadcast - which you absolutely have to do - I mean it - you'll hear the pacing and growth and style of J Naomi Y which is so unique and enjoyable. You'll understand why she's got such dedicated fans and you'll become one as well.
I enjoyed the first voice so much, I was pleased when J Naomi Y consented to read another voice, a Palace Guard, and that section shed new light on the main character, Senya.
Fascinataing Modern Sci-Fi Light Fantasy Paranormal Opera... with Spiritual and Political elements.
I know you'll be hooked.

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